Education Abroad Course Equivalencies Guides
Understanding how courses taken abroad will fit into your degree plan is an important part of the education abroad process. Many programs will have a wide variety courses available for students to take to match their interests. However, it can be helpful to view what other students have taken abroad and the credits received at Binghamton University for those classes. Click on the lists below to look through courses by course number or by education abroad program.
It is always important that you speak with your academic advisor and/or academic department to understand how courses taken abroad will fit into your degree plan. For any course taken abroad to come back to Binghamton University as a specific course or requirement for your major/minor, an advisor or faculty member from your academic department needs to grant approval. Binghamton University students on Binghamton University programs should use the Course Approval Form to record approvals for major and minor credit. Binghamton University students on other-SUNY or non-SUNY programs should work with their school advising office.
Binghamton University students must obtain approval from their school's academic advising office for all courses referencing food or alcohol topics. For students studying on Binghamton programs, this approval is documented via your Academic Advising Office (Harpur, SOM, Watson, CCPA, or Decker). If you are in Harpur and another school, please ensure you receive Harpur's approval.
If you have any questions, please email the program advisor for your program of interest or email