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Programs : Program Search (results)

Following is the list of programs based on the search criteria. Click any program name to view details or to apply. If you would like to request information from our staff about programs matching the search criteria you have selected, use the Request Info button.
You searched for Outgoing programs within any term, having (Area of Study equal to 'Economics'), sorted by Program City in descending order.

Program search results
Program search results
Program Name City  Country Region Save/Share
Study Abroad: Non-SUNY Overseas Program Various Various Various
Study Abroad: Other-SUNY Overseas Program Various Various Various
France: Business, Communications and Liberal Arts in the French Riviera (CEA CAPA) Valbonne France Europe
Netherlands: Utrecht University (Exchange) Utrecht Netherlands Europe
Netherlands: University College Utrecht (Exchange) Utrecht Netherlands Europe
Japan: Waseda University (Exchange) Tokyo Japan Asia
South Korea: Korea University (Exchange) Seoul South Korea Asia
South Korea: Korea University Business School (Exchange) Seoul South Korea Asia
South Korea: KU International Summer Campus Seoul South Korea Asia
Czech Republic: Semester Study in Prague (CEA CAPA) Prague Czech Republic Europe
Czech Republic: Semester Study and Internship in Prague (CEA CAPA) Prague Czech Republic Europe
Australia: Murdoch University Perth Australia Oceania
United Kingdom: University of Nottingham (Exchange) Nottingham United Kingdom Europe
United Kingdom: University of East Anglia Norwich United Kingdom Europe
Netherlands: University College Roosevelt (Exchange) Middelburg Netherlands Europe
United Kingdom: London School of Economics London United Kingdom Europe
United Kingdom: London School of Economics (Summer) London United Kingdom Europe
Germany: University of Leipzig (Exchange) Leipzig Germany Europe
United Kingdom: Lancaster University (Exchange) Lancaster United Kingdom Europe
Morocco: Al Akhawayn University (Exchange) Ifrane Morocco Africa
Austria: University of Graz (Exchange) Graz Austria Europe
United Kingdom: University of Edinburgh Edinburgh United Kingdom Europe
Germany: Summer Economics Session at the University of Bremen (Exchange) Bremen Germany Europe
United Kingdom: Sciences, Mathematics, or Economics at the University of Bath (Exchange) Bath United Kingdom Europe
Spain: Liberal Arts and Social Sciences Semester in Barcelona (CEA CAPA) Barcelona Spain Europe
Spain: Study and Internship Semester in Barcelona (CEA CAPA) Barcelona Spain Europe
France: Business, Communications and Liberal Arts in the French Riviera (CEA CAPA) Antibes France Europe